Puffy Chair

The Puffy Chair is not a movie about furniture; it's a little gem about relationships that stayed with me long after the film finished.

Josh' father's birthday is coming up, and he has found the perfect gift: A big purple La-Z-Boy just like Dad had years ago. Josh found it on Ebay, and now it's only a matter of heading south from Maine, picking up the recliner, and continuing to Dad's house. Josh takes along his girlfriend Emily, with whom he is having some relational difficulties and to Emily's chagrin, their "romantic" twosome is spoiled when Josh's hippie brother Rhett manages to invite himself along. By the time they reach Dad's house, Josh has learned a few things about life, love, painful choices such as whether to commit to the next step of marriage, and the feeling of confusion during an age when you should have it all together.

After arriving at his Dad's house, Josh asks his dad when he decided that he wanted to marry his mom. His dad explained that when he and his mom found out that some not-so-cool friends got married, they thought 'if they can get married, why can't we as well'.

Last weekend, my gf and I made a trip to Chicago. As M's name is similar to a name on a immigration watch list, we sometimes need assistance from an attendant for clearance which can take up a some time. So while we were driving back to the airport in Chicago with her sister and brother in law, I naively suggested that that my gf should change her name to avoid future check-in hassles.

After a short silence, three pair of eyes looked me in the face, making me realize that I am the one who should make that happen :) Movie moment-worthy...

King Kong (2005)

Last year, Peter Jackson made an spectacular update of the country-ape-meets-city-girl love story, King Kong, passionately commemorating the original while adding chills, frills and thrills. In the famous final scene of the original movie, the defiant Kong is standing atop the Empire State Building while circling aircrafts are trying to take him down.

Jackson's ending is different in that Kong's death is not caused by bullets. Because he cannot be with the woman he loves, Kong chooses to take his own life by plunging down from the building. At least that's what my gf told me....

I didn't see the movie myself because I was lucky enough to get some real sleep during our flight back from Amsterdam. During our stay in Holland, my 4 year old nephew had been so endeared with my gf, that although his English vocabulary only contained two words, he was able to articulate that he loved her more than me :) But there was some consolation: my gf informed me that just like Kong, she would love me to death too.

A happy ending - just like the movies...


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