In the mood for Love

This weekend I watched "In the Mood for Love", a romance melodrama which tells the story of a married man (played by Tony Leung) and a married woman (played by Maggie Cheung), living in rented rooms of neighboring apartments. They fall in love with each other while grappling with the infidelities of their respective spouses whom they discover are involved with each other. It’s a beautiful movie by any standard: the colors, the mood, the story, the acting, the soundtrack.

This weekend, I was also staying at my girl-friend's house. We were ready to go to bed and when I came out of the bathroom, the lights in the house were already out except for one candle in the bedroom. I considered it very thoughtful of her that she lighted a candle so I could find my way to the bed and I blew it out after I got there.

Wrong move... the candle wasn't intended to help me find my way. My baby was in the mood for love and my little blow did turn off more than just the light..


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