Pillow Book

This weekend I saw the Peter Greenaway movie "The Pillow Book". The film is about a successful model who revives memories of her calligrapher father by having her lovers give her pleasure by writing on her body. An affair with an Englishman leads her to start writing herself, using others as her paper.

This weekend was my girl-friend's birthday and I wanted to surprise her with a trip to Mendocino. As a friend also invited me to a Halloween party this weekend, I had to decline the invitation. My friend answered "wow! Already spending bday together! congrats. You have such good karma or something you did in a past life (or this life!!) is bringing you great luck w/ girl-friends". I was so proud of my good Karma, that I forwarded the message to my girl-friend.

I missed one minor detail though - the email also contained my original message saying that I wasn't able to make it because I was going to Mendocino. So by forwarding the email, my girl-friend knew all along where we were going. Even some of her friends that I met before the trip were in on it.

We still had a fantastic weekend. But in order to not give away any suprises in the future, maybe writing on bodies instead of email isn't such a bad idea after all


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