Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Zhang Zi-Yi as Jen

(Updated) Over the last couple of months, I've met a lot of interesting women and learned a lot. Mostly about myself. One of the things I came to realize was that despite the fact that from a character perspective Asian women might be more closely aligned with my personality than American women, I always found myself more attracted to white women. That was, until 2 weeks ago when I met somebody from China. She’s attractive, a lot of fun and has a great sense of humor. A combination I find hard to resist.

So what did I really learn about myself? That I’m contradicting myself a lot. How’s that for useful knowledge!

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has no shortage of beautiful Asian women and breathtaking battles. It also has the dramatic soul of a Greek tragedy.
In some Asian cultures, it’s considered impolite to ask for something. You are supposed to wait until something is offered to you. So how to determine the right moment for a first kiss - or the suggestion for a more ‘adventurous’ next date? At times, women are already hard to understand as it is and adding a cultural component to it might be the ouverture for another Greek tragedy.


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