Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation

Although she is preparing for her bar exam, my date still was able to take a break from studying and we were planning to see "My summer of Love". It turned out that the schedule on the Internet was outdated so we ended up seeing "War of the Worlds" instead.

My date used to be a teacher and is still tutoring English language for Asian companies. Before the movie, we had a quick dinner in a Vietnamese restaurant. After I ordered a beef curry, the Asian waiter asked me if I wanted the beef with 'brick'. I didn't have any clue what he was talking about. After he had repeated the question twice, I still didn't understand him and just confirmed that 'brick' would be ok.

My date smiled and asked me 'You don't know what you just ordered, do you?' I answered 'No, I don't..'

A couple of minutes later, the waiter came back to apologize; they were out of 'brick' and he wanted to know if rice was ok as well.


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