Fight Club

First rule of Fight Club: do not talk about Fight Club

I would argue that the movie Fight Club is avante garde sublime art. The film seduces and indoctrinates, urging the viewer to confront his or her own emotion. Despite the destruction in the movie, the visual image is beautiful.

Edward Norton plays Jack, the main character in the movie. In today’s western culture that's been robbed of its masculine principle, Jack finds himself only accepting his masculinity through tears and the estrogen-enriched breasts of another man. Jack represents today’s males - they're lovely, valuable people, not interested in harming the earth, or starting wars. But there's not much energy in them. They are life-preserving and not exactly life-giving.

And then, something happened to Jack. He let go. Lost in oblivion. Dark and silent and complete. He found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.

Lately I'm starting to think that I should let go as well with regards to my dating efforts. Freedom.


1 Response to "Fight Club"

SpyderGal said... 3:53 PM

it's very interesting how you relate your experiences to movies and vice versa....just wondering, which usually comes first...

You have the dating experience then watch a movie that goes with that date
You watched the movie and find a date that goes with the movie experience?



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