
With my dating life fading, letting go leaves me with a problem: how am I going to maintain this page and create new content that still relates to the title of this blog?

Introducing: Nick and the Celine. They flew in from Las Vegas for a long weekend in Napa. Both divorced, their kids with their exes and judging by the way how they looked at one another, it was clear that wine was not the main objective for their trip. Their brand new Mustang convertible stopped next to my Miata on the empty parking lot just when my friend and I were about to leave my car to check if the tasting room was still open. And as the winery wasn’t closed just yet, my friend went back outside to let Nick and his lovely companion know that they should come in as well. While they entered the tasting room, my friend jokingly told the woman behind the counter that the guy who came in just after us would pay for our tasting.

Nick didn’t blink an eye, pulled a stack of twenty dollar bills out of his pocket and put two of them down on the counter to pay for our tasting. Despite our objections, he insisted on paying and with the conversation flowing as easily as the wine, we convinced our new found friends to join us for one final stop at Vander Heyden. Different tasting room, familiar scenario. Before we were able to close the door behind us, Nick put his twenty dollar bills on the counter and minutes later we were sipping a late harvest cabernet...

Three weeks have passed since then and it appears that Celine travelled back to France. It's unclear if this is a permanent move. But if a sequel for Sideways hasn't been planned for yet, I think I can provide some plot ideas... :)


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