Beautiful Girls

In this entertaining drama, bar pianist Willie leaves New York City for Knight's Ridge, Massachusetts, to attend a high school reunion. He's unsure about his job and whether or not to commit to Tracy and finds his working-class buddies in a similar funk. Tommy plows snow for a living and is caught in the crossfire between his lover and a passionate affair with his married ex-girlfriend. Paul has just been ditched by Nan for a butcher and is mad that the women in town don't match the pin-ups on his wall. It takes three women to get these confused men straight about love relationships.

Natalie Portman steals the movie as a wise-beyond-her-years 13 year old. Uma Thurman lets the boys know what women really want. And Rosie O'Donnell demolishes the unreality of the typical male view of female beauty. Populated with colorful characters, this comedy hits the spot with its wry observations on sexual politics.

So what comes it all down to? Women seek love, men seek respect. Women want relationships, men want sex and love, women want commitment, men freedom. So men are sometimes reticent about getting into a relationship. Eventually though, most guys want to settle down. I think I'm ready to settle down..


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